• When do children usually lose their baby teeth?
    Many parents have concerns about their children’s teeth not falling out on time. the doctor and our team are here to answer any questions parents may have about when children Read more
  • Tooth Protection and Winter Sports
    Just because it’s cold out there doesn’t mean you’ll give up keeping fit and active! Winter is the season for some of our favorite team sporting activities, and when you’re Read more
  • New Year's Day Around the World
    New Year’s Day marks the beginning of the calendar year in most parts of the world. The holiday is celebrated on January 1st of each year. Customs and celebrations vary Read more
  • Heart Disease and Oral Health
    Is there a link between oral health and heart health? This is a question that has been receiving a lot of attention in recent studies. While as yet there is Read more
  • Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
    When your wisdom teeth start to emerge it can definitely be painful, but it can be even worse if your wisdom teeth become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are trying to Read more
  • Losing a Baby Tooth
    It seems like yesterday. There you were, comforting your baby through sleepless nights, soothing her with a dentist-approved teether, celebrating as that first tiny tooth poked through her gums. And Read more
  • Five Common Reasons for Emergency Care Visits
    A dental emergency can strike anywhere, anytime, and without warning. Perhaps you’re playing a game of touch football on Thanksgiving and your brother-in-law decides to up the ante and tackles Read more
  • Thanksgiving in North America
    Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving Read more
  • What’s the Big Deal about Sleep Apnea?
    What’s the big deal about a little snoring during the night? Or feeling a bit drowsy during the day? Or an occasional bout of insomnia? If your sleep problems are Read more
  • Germs living on my toothbrush? Say it ain’t so!
    You may have heard talk about the germs that can reside on your toothbrush and thought, “really?” It’s true—there are several kinds of bacteria that can lurk on the bristles of Read more
  • Getting Ready for Winter
    Winter Is Coming. Okay, that sounded a lot more dramatic in a popular fantasy series. But here in the real world, winter is coming as well, so let’s look at some Read more
  • The Intriguing History of Halloween
    Halloween is fast approaching, and the doctor wanted to be sure to wish our patients a happy day, no matter how you might celebrate this holiday. The Halloween that is Read more
  • Are dental X-rays safe?
    YES! X-rays have been used in dentistry for a long time, and the amount of radiation has significantly decreased with advances in technology. While there is risk in every health Read more
  • The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups
    When was the last time you paid the doctor a visit? If you're like many people, chances are it was more than six months ago. We hear the reasons why Read more
  • October is National Dental Hygiene Month: A simple oral health routine for your busy lifestyle
    Adults are no strangers to feeling like there is never enough time in the day to get everything done. Your alarm clock rings and within minutes you ping pong around Read more
  • Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
    You might suspect that your wisdom teeth are starting to emerge, but knowing the signs of impacted wisdom teeth can help you be more proactive about your dental care. Impacted Read more

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